FCL Graphics is one of the only printers in the U.S. that is G7- certified across all press platforms, from full-web to digital.
As a G7 Certified Master Printer, we maintain consistency in color and quality across all of our printing processes by calibrating our equipment to a common, industry standard gray balance. Whether we’re printing a 500-piece digital print run, or a 20 million-piece web offset print run, we will deliver visual similarity across all your print materials.

What does this mean to you? Greater flexibility in print platforms and guaranteed quality results. Our presses maintain benchmark color consistency, from page to page and job to job; printed products produced on different G7 certified equipment look remarkably alike to the human eye, regardless of the press or substrate used. If you work with a stable of printers across the country, G7 certification is your guarantee of brand consistency.
“I pushed for G7 certification years ago because I knew it would bring our printing services to a whole new level. Every year, the G7 experts come to our plant and spend a day running test files through our pre-press system and every printing press we have. They look for any signs of dot gain (etc. etc.). G7 certification means that pieces off any of our presses will match to the human eye. Since pre-press is where it all begins, we make sure to calibrate our pre-press system once a week to maintain these exacting standards.”
– Juan A, Senior Pre-press Manager